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Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

The following information explains our policy regarding any personal information you may supply to us when using the website. By accessing and using the website, you agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy, as outlined below. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not access or use this site. Matrix Fitness reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy from time to time at its sole discretion.

Matrix Fitness respects the privacy of its users. Matrix Fitness recognizes the importance of protecting personal information you may supply us when visiting our Website. Our policy is to use the information we acquire from users when you complete a contact form for internal business purposes only, and maintain appropriate security measures to keep the information private. Matrix Fitness will not sell, trade or rent your personal information and will not share your name, address, e-mail address or other personal information with anyone outside of Matrix Fitness.

Some areas of our site may require you to complete a contact form in order to access certain information. Matrix Fitness only stores the personal information you provide. In this case your contact information needs to be completed only once in order to view all the secure pages on our website. This information is saved in a secure environment and is kept for our records and to make it easier for you to use our services. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure correct use of information, we employ reasonable and current Internet security methods and technologies.

The Matrix Fitness website may save information on your system in the form of a "cookie" to access secure information or to better track usage of our Website. There is no personally identifiable information stored in the cookie. A cookie is either a small text file that is stored on your hard drive, or some information that is stored in memory until you close your browser. Web pages that write and read cookies can only interact with the cookie files(s) for your browser and a cookie can only be accessed by the same domain server that sent it. This saves you from having to re-enter the same information as you access secure information. No third party has access to the information we collect this way. Your privacy is important to Matrix Fitness and we will only use cookies as an enabling tool.

From time to time, we may contact you to request feedback on your experience using the website to assist us in improving the site. In addition, we may contact you to request feedback on your Matrix Fitness product usage.

Please note that Matrix Fitness is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of other websites to which the Matrix Fitness website may link.

Any claim of offensive, potentially defamatory or infringing content shall be escalated to the digital marketing manager and addressed immediately.

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