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Never A Dull Workout

We know that starting a new workout routine is hard, but staying motivated each day is even harder. That's why Matrix gives you more digital fitness options than any other home equipment out there. With so many entertaining options, you'll never get bored.

What Will Motivate You Today?

From your favorite on-demand workouts to exclusive programs and endless entertainment, you can make your next workout whatever you want it to be. Bring the subscriptions you already use, try a new one from our curated set of apps, or keep it simple with a built-in program. Whatever you choose, work out your way.

studio classesglobal destinationsvirtual classeshiit workoutshill programstarget trainingendurance trainingcustom workoutsmovies and showsmusicpodcastsbooksnewsgamessocial mediaadvanced bluetooth


Smart Fitness Just Got Smarter

With advanced Bluetooth, you can connect your Matrix smart treadmill, bike, or elliptical to your favorite Bluetooth FTMS-enabled training apps like Zwift, Kinomap, RGT Cycling by Wahoo, and STUDIO for real-time metrics. Compete against athletes from around the world, ride or run virtual courses, and take studio classes with leaderboards.

person connected to bluetooth with phone

Bluetooth FTMS

The FiTness Machine Service protocol (FTMS) is a Bluetooth standard used to control fitness equipment when connected to a training app. This means an FTMS enabled third party app on your phone or tablet can communicate with your Matrix machine to use the real-time data to move your in-game avatar at the speed of your machine or stream your data to a class leaderboard. App compatibility and data transfers are subject to change as apps make updates.

Bluetooth CSCS

The Cycling Speed and Cadence Service (CSCS) protocol is a Bluetooth standard designed to transmit speed and cadence data as well as crank revolutions from bikes to a connected training app. CSCS enabled third party apps on your phone or tablet can communicate with your Matrix exercise bike to use this real-time data to show how fast you are going and your distance traveled while not pedaling. Unlike FTMS, which covers a variety of data sets for different machine types, the CSCS protocol is used only for cycling products. App compatibility and data transfers are subject to change as apps make updates.

The Choice is Yours

Keep it simple with our LCD console, or step up to our touchscreen consoles for a wide variety of endless entertainment options, training programs, and advanced Bluetooth technology. 
console comparison chart

Check Out Our Console Blog Posts

Still looking for information on our consoles? Check out our blog posts about Bluetooth FTMS, running with Zwift, and How to Choose the Perfect Console!
bluetooth ftms blog posthow to run zwifthow to pick the perfect console blog

Additional Console Information:

Console Software Updates

How to Set Up Your Touchscreen Console

How to Set Up Your LCD Console

Set Up Your User Profile and XID

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